
The People of the Rain Forests

① There are two groups of people who live in the rain forests of Africa--Bantu villagers and Pygmy hunters. The two groups have very different ways of life. But they have learned to survive in the rain forest by depending on each other.

② The Pygmies live as hunters in the rain forest. They live in large groups of families and hunt with nets. The men go to an area where they know there are animals. They hold up nets and the women and children spread out and drive the animals into the nets.

③ Hunting is a full-time job for the Pygmies, so they cannot always stay in villages.But over the years, the Pygmies have learned to enjoy some of the luxuries(奢侈品)of village life. Their forest foods of meat, fruit, and nuts are enough for them. But they also enjoy some village foods--like rice, beans, peanuts and vegetables. They also need some metal tools that are made by the villagers.

④ The villagers are Bantus. They stay in the clearings(空地)in the rain forests. The Bantus cannot keep cattle in the rain forest. There is not enough room for the cattle to feed So the Bantus are given meat by the Pygmies. To the Bantus the rain forest is a dangerous place. But to the Pygmies it is familiar. So the Pygmies fetch firewood and guard the village fields from wild animals.

⑤ The Bantus must work very hard to clear their fields.Once they are cleared,the villagers must fight continually to keep the rain forest from taking over again. The soil of the rain forest is so poor that the farm crops soon wear it out. Then the villagers must give the land back to the forest after a few years' farming and clear more. Task 1Paragraph①:



Whenever anyone asks me what my favorite animal is, I always say, " Horses." I like almost all animals. 26___

I don't have a horse of my own. Horses are very expensive. 27___You have to pay for their food, equipment, insurance, and health care, for example. If you live on a farm or other big piece of land, you can keep your horse there. But if you don't have a place that's big enough for a horse, you have to pay to keep it

somewhere else.

28___ I go there on the weekends sometimes and watch the trainers exercising the horses. All of the horses need a lot of exercises in order to stay healthy, no matter what kind of riding they are used for. Most of the horses are used for trail(小径)riding, which I think is the easiest and the most fun. It's nice to go out into the woods or along the beach with a horse.

One reason I really like horses is that they have as much personality as people do.They can't talk, but they can tell you what they are feeling with their body language. 29___

Maybe, when I get a little older, I could get a job at the stable. 30___I'm trying to learn as much about horses as I can now, so that I'll be really qualified (有资格的). I would love to have a job like that.

A.There I could be around horses all the time. B.We're very lucky to live near a horse stable. C.It's very expensive to buy one and to own one. D.But horses have always been my very favorite animals. E.My favorite horse"Vrana"is older than a lot of other horses.F.For example, a horse is happy if its ears are forward and its tail is relaxed.



Train Travel for Senior Citizens

Imagine it's that time of year when you start thinking about taking a vacation. Part of the work involves choosing an ideal location while the hard part can be making travel arrangements. 26 __ While those methods may be your first thoughts, train travel is a wonderful option(选择)that sometimes gets overlooked.

In recent years, train travel has increased greatly. A 2010 poll said 62 percent of Americans would probably choose to travel by train. The group responsible for most of the increase in train travel is senior citizens. 27__

The first advantage of traveling by train is not having to worry about driving or the stresses of flying. Today, taking a plane can be quite annoying. 28__ In addition, some arent fond of heights and instead enjoy feeling safe on the ground.

The second advantage of train travel is it allows passengers to enjoy beautiful scenes during the ride. 29__ What's more, people can enjoy drinks, food, movies, and games on the train.

30__ It may bring back wonderful memories to those who rode trains with their families as children.

Overall, train travel is both comfortable and relaxing. It is a wonderful way of traveling for senior citizens. A. You don't have to keep your eyes on the road. B. And they choose trains for a number of reasons. C.Traveling by train can be tiring and time-consuming. D.Finally, railroad travel can be a timeless option for seniors. E. How are you going to get there perhaps by plane, car, or bus? F. One needs to check in bags and be subject to various security measures.



The Getty Center

① The Getty Center attracts lI million visitors a year. It is one of the most popular art museums in the US. One reason for its popularity may be that the Getty is free. No tickets to buy, and no reservations needed There is a $15 parking fee, but you do not have to pay for parking after 5 p.m. And there is convenient public transportation.

② A tram(接驳车) carries you from the parking area up to the hilltop campus. When you step out, you come face to face with views of the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Monica Mountains, and the vast open area of Los Angeles.

③ Then you will see the five main buildings that house the museum's collection surrounding a central courtyard The buildings are connected by glassed walkways. So you can enjoy the view again while you move from one building to another. One of the outstanding characteristics of the museum is the natural light that shines through each building's computer-controlled louvers(百叶窗).It allows viewers to look at paintings in the same natural light in which they were created

④ Part of the large campus is used for a series of gardens. The Central Garden was designed by Robert Irwin. He himself built everything from the handrails(扶手)to the waterfall to create a special and artistic experience in nature.

⑤ The Getty Center makes an effort to satisfy visitors. There is a cafe that offers lunches and snacks. There is also a restaurant for more formal meals, but it usually requires reservations. The museum includes a family room that lets kids create artwork and offers educational programs for everyone. Task 1 Paragraph①:


Pets for the English

For the English people, keeping pets is not just a leisure activity. 26 __ In fact, the expression"keeping pets"does not show the high status of their animals. An Englishman's home may be his castle, but his dog is the real king.

Many other cultures have pets. The Americans may outdo(超过)the English in buying expensive things for their pets. 27 __ Their pets are more than symbols of status. They tend to be far more open, easy and communicative in their relationships with their animals than with each other.

The average Englishman will try hard to avoid communication with his fellow humans. 28__ But he will have no difficulty in having lively conversations with a dog.

An American visitor had once suffered for a week as a guest in a fairly typical English home. 29__ The owner of the dogs engaged them in non-stop chat and laughed lovingly at their misbehaviors. She complained that the owne's relationship with these pets was"abnormal"and"unhealthy".

The English are allowed to criticize their own pets. But this must be done in friendly and joking tones. 30 __

They may lovingly talk about the items their dogs have eaten or destroyed "It wasn't just shoes and ordinary things, mine used to eat mobile phones. ""Well, mine chewed a whole Hi-Fi system to bits!" A It is an entire way of life. B This family was ruled by two large dogs.C But the English's relationship with animals is different. D In fact, they often take pride in their pets' misbehaviors. E. No wonder animals are so important to the English people. F. When he cannot avoid it, he will generally become nervous.



Self-esteem(自尊) and Self-confidence

① Think back to when you did something new for the first time. Self-confidence isn't always what we think it Is. Many experts say that self-confidence and self-esteem are different. Self-confidence is about what we can do by virtue of our efforts. It grows along with the quality of the effort.

② Self-esteem is more fundamental(基本的) and is about the feeling of being worth something, just because we are who we are, and not because we have done something. A good sportsman can have a huge success and self-confidence because he's good at his sport. In the same time his self-esteem can be low, if his parents have never recognized and treasured him for the person he is deep inside, but only for his performances in sports.

③ Build self-esteem if you were not bom with it. Some people just have it, as if they were born with it. They talk in front of a crowd of people, sell themselves at job interviews or start an interesting conversation with people they've never met before.

④ Self-confidence isn't something you receive as a birth gift. It's something you develop gradually as you turn over the pages of the thick book of life. If you work goal-directed to improve your belief in yourseif, you'll eventually build up your courage to do what self-assured (自信的)people find natural, instead of developing pounding hearts, breathing difficuities and trembling hands.

⑤ Regardless of fear and shyness you'll have to get out of your hiding to improve your self-confidence. Be more visible to your surroundings. Do something else than you used to. Try yourself in different situations. We all have many great abilities that just have to be exposed.

Task 1Paragraph①:


The Strength of Three

There was once a family of three sons. The boys were not kind to one another. In fact, they fought constantly, each one trying to beat the others in some sort of sport. For instance, if one boy were building a raft (筏子), another had to build a canoe(独木舟). 26__ Because cach of them worked alone, their work was difficult, and the results were not always worthwhile.

Their father feared they would never learn to cooperate. 27 __ He gathered up a large bundle of reeds(一大捆芦苇杆) and tied them together.At dinner, he announced a contest: "I challenge you to break this bundle of reeds in half for whoever figures out the secret will win a life of rich rewards."

28 __ He took the bundle in his hands and used all of his strength to try to break the reeds, but they would not break. His younger brother took on the challenge. He balanced the reeds across the top of the table and used all of his weight to try to break the bundle, but it did not break. Finally, he gave up, and the youngest brother took the bundle in his hands. 29__

Finally, the father took the bundle from them. He divided the bundle into three equal piles. " Now break your bundle, "he said The task was easy. Each broke his bundle with hardly any effort. " When you divide your work, it is easy and you can accomplish much, the father said And with that, the young men understood that alone each of them was weak. 30 __

A.The oldest son was strong. B. He decided to teach them a lesson. C.Therefore, their family was very poor. D.But together, they had great strength. E. Then the third had to build an even larger and finer boat. F. He, too, struggled with all of his strength to break it, but still failed.


Pawn Shops(当铺)

① Pawn shops are businesses where people bring their possessions to sell or to get a short-term loan. Pawn shops may be large or small, clean or dirty, but they are all full of stories. The United States has about ten thousand of them.

② In the past few years, pawn shops have been doing business with more people than ever before. That is because many lenders(贷方)now do business only with individuals having good credit records or a high-paying job Often, the individuals most in need of a loan have pooy credit records. But they do not need a good job or credit record to get a loan from a pawnbroker(典当商). They only need to have something of value.

③ When a traditional lender agrees to provide a loan, it may take days or weeks before an individual receives the money. But pawnbrokers will give a loan in just a few minutes based on the resale value of an object and without asking about the person's job or credit history.

④ Many pawn shops specialize in jewelry. But most shops accept almost anything of value, including computers, musical instruments, guns, old coins and so on. The item itself acts as the security, or collateral (抵押物), for the loan. If the loan is not repaid, the object can be sold Customers can get the object back at any time by repaying the loan plus the interest and fees they agreed to pay. Or they can pay the interest and leave the item at the pawn shop for a while longer.

⑤ The National Pawnbrokers Association is a national trade group representing pawnbrokers. The association calls pawn-brokering "one of humankind's oldest financial institutions. "It says pawnbrokers operated three thousand years ago in ancient China and in early Greek and Roman times. Task 1 Paragraph①:



Resources are found in nature. They make a better quality of life for humans. Soil, air, water, sunlight and trees are all examples of resources that humans use every day, whether they know it or not. 26__

A natural resource is a material found in nature and used by living things. Air, rocks, metals, oil and salt are all natural resources. Renewable(可再生的) resources are resources that can be replaced

27 __ Trees that are cut down can be replaced quickly when seeds or baby trees are planted Water from our bathtubs(浴盆)can be cleaned for use. Plants, wind and rain can help clean the air to make it safe to breathe even if it comes out of a car or a factory.

Sometimes resources cannot be replaced after they are used 28__ Once nonrenewable resources are all used up, nature will not be able to replace them. Oil,natural gas, soil and metals are all examples of nonrenewable resources.

Coal is another example of a nonrenewable resource. 29__ Humans mine the coal underground and use it as an energy source. Once humans have mined all the coal from inside Earth, there will be no more for us to depend on. 30__ For example, wind and water turbines(涡轮机)are now being used to produce energy. A.These are called nonrenewable resources. B.They replace some of the need to burn coal. C.It is made by nature deep in Earth. D.Without resources, humans could not live on Earth. E. Trees, air, water and energy from the sun are renewable resources. F. Luckily, humans are finding new ways to replace coal.


Men and Women Drivers

① Men take more risks. In studies, men as a whole show less careful behavior than women. They drive at higher speeds and closer to other cars. They don' t wear seat belts, and drive while drunk more often. They even make riskier turns and take less time when parking.

② But, how someone drives doesnt necessarily equal how well he drives. Men do seem to be more skillful than women at certain driving tasks. However, this slight advantage in ability doesn' t turn into better driving records. The kinds of accidents men get into are generally the result of their riskier behavior. According to one study, men are more than three times as likely to be fined for " aggressive driving"than women, and more than 25 as likely to be at fault in an accident.

③ Despite the research, it's difficult to decide whether men are truly born better drivers than women. It is also not clear if men are simply more confident in their driving because they're thought to be better, and thus show better skills. Similarly, the traditional view that women are weaker drivers may affect their driving performance.

④ Women are catching up, which isn't necessarily good news. Men may be responsible for more accidents than women, but the gap is getting smaller. Today, more women drive and drive more than ever before. Unfortunately, this leads to an increase in speeding, aggressive driving, and even very serious accidents among women.

⑤ So, are men better drivers than women? According to the interesting data from researchers, the answer is yes... and no. Therefore, the tips for both men and women drivers are: Learn from the strengths of both sexes, drive confidently and carefully, and don' t forget to wear the seat belt. Task 1 Paragraph①:

